Leadership Blog

Posted By: Courtney Cheyne | on January 3 2020

SIX New Year Resolutions to Boost your Career!

HAPPY NEW YEAR! For many of us, this time of year means starting a new diet, kicking bad habits and heading back to the gym to burn off a surfeit of turkey, but to fully embrace the spirit of self-improvement, there will never be a better time to plan on how you can get the best out of your career in 2020.

To ensure you get off to the best start this year, we have created some work-related resolutions that will see you driving straight toward health, happiness, and, of course, success.


There really is no better time than the start of a new year to complete a career health check. It can be surprising how easy a lapse into job complacency can be; finding yourself cutting corners, cruising at half-speed or losing focus are all indications that you need to take stock.

Combat this lethargy by making a list of which aspects of your work give you satisfaction, and, being honest, which areas leave room for improvement. This can also help you answer the fundamental question; is your current job what you actually want to do? Should you be considering a career shift? Adjusting your aims and revitalising your purpose will bring your path ahead into much sharper focus! Not only that but becoming a reliable and valuable employee will likely bring its own rewards.

Don’t forget, for more traditional resolutions, a healthy body equals a healthy mind. Escaping from seasonal excesses and starting an exercise regime isn’t just helpful in diminishing your waistline – increased energy, productivity, motivation, and positivity are all tangible benefits that will reflect in your work.


The worst kept secret to success is getting organised. Understanding what you need to do and when you need to do it is paramount for a stress-free and accelerated career life. Start simple, ensure you use your digital diary to log appointments, make a habit of taking notes (that you can find easily!) during meetings, clean and tidy your email inbox; and yes, it’s time to back up your phone, tablet and laptop!


In our time-poor digital age and with the constant bombardment we receive from friends, colleagues and associates via LinkedIn, Facebook, email and text, it’s easy to forget that these tools, however convenient, are no substitute for human contact. First and foremost, pick up the phone (or get out of your seat) and develop real relationships with your peers and colleagues. Introduction is a powerful device rendering you more memorable, and personal referrals are a virtual guarantee of promotion and success. Reconnect with old colleagues and grab every opportunity to make new contacts both inside and outside of your organisation.


If you do decide to pursue other positions, remember that current application rates are high. With large numbers of applicants competing for the same roles, failing to apply for a job within the first 48 hours could be the difference between getting to interview and not entering the running at all.

To guarantee that you’re ready when an opportunity presents itself, ensure that your resumé is relevant and up-to-date. Emphasise your achievements and successful projects, remove items that aren’t relevant to your career direction. Remember to revisit your resume every few months adding any achievements as you go.


Last but not least, put yourself in the frame for success, be proactive in all regards and most likely success will find you.  Here at Elite Executive, we specialise in supporting your career aspirations. From coaching for interviews, resumé and cover letter writing through to career guidance to helping you target your next position. Regardless of your field, make us your next step and have a truly prosperous New Year.

Call us now and let us help you to make 2020 your year for success!
